If their dogs have puppies, dog owners should give them away to other eligible adopters or send them to government-approved adoption agencies by the time they are 3 months old, so as to abide by the one-dog policy, the draft regulation said。
在上面的报道中,one-dog policy就是上海即将推出的“一户一犬政策 ”。报道称,政府推出这一政策是因为上海的high population density(人口密度高)和limited living space(生活空间有限)。另外, 宠物狗rampant barking(乱叫)和waste littering(随地排泄),以及dog attacking people(狗咬人)也都是导致这一政策的诱因。
在大城市里养狗要有dog license(狗证)。但是目前的licensing fee(办证费)太高,以至于很多狗主人都不愿意给他们的狗登记。如果不想把幼犬送人,唯一的选择就是给狗做sterilization surgery(绝育手术)。