


dogLively and loyal guard the main greedy intelligent spirituality with it can know many people for some disease h***e certain curative effect in a bad mood he will coax you happy h***e the dog every day will be very happy

hamster: It s***e money. A dog want to go to the registered permanent residence, injections, spend a lot of money. And dog food, cat food, pet shampoo, are not cheap. And hamster material is very cheap, good look at my hamster villa, all eat with 60 R*** hold on together with things, I still buy expensive, buy after I see another sellers taobao shop is cheaper than I bought, in total to 10 dollars cheaper!And the cage can be used as long-term use of fixed assets, other consumables in 3 months is no problem, because food is very cheap, I also like they eat apple and egg yolk, and nutritious, and s***e money! So calculate down all necessities $10 per month hold on, I'm afraid that at most a such pet cats and dogs spend 3 days.




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