Last week, along with the rest of the seniors at Stafford High School in Falmouth, Virginia, 18-year-old Diana Bloom got her yearbook. 上周,弗吉尼亚州法尔茅斯市斯塔福德高中18岁的黛安娜•布鲁姆和其他高年级学生同时收到了毕业纪念册。
Bloom was flipping through the yearbook when she noticed a very special student. 布鲁姆翻看毕业纪念册时,注意到了一个非常特别的同学。
"Seeing a picture of a dog caught my eye pretty quickly," Bloom told BuzzFeed News. "I thought it was so cute, and I knew that some of my underclassmen friends hadn't seen it yet because they didn't have their yearbooks so I took a picture and tweeted it." “一只狗的照片很快地吸引了我的眼球,”布鲁姆告诉BuzzFeed新闻。“我觉得它太可爱了,我知道一些低年级同学还没见过,因为他们没有毕业纪念册,所以我拍了一张照片并发到了推特上。”
Her tweet has since been retweeted more than 2,500 times. 这条推特已被转发超过2500次。
This very good student is called Alpha, and he's a service dog for Andrew 'AJ' Schalk, a 16-year-old junior at Stafford High. 这名“好学生”叫阿尔法,是该校学生安德鲁•沙尔克的服务犬,今年16岁的安德鲁是斯塔福德高中的学生。
Bloom said she and Schalk ride the same bus but don't have any classes together so she didn't know that Alpha would be appearing in the yearbook. 布鲁姆说她和沙尔克乘坐同一辆公交车,但没有一起上课,所以她不知道阿尔法会出现在毕业纪念册里。
Schalk told BuzzFeed News that he has Type 1 diabetes and Alpha's job is to alert him when his blood sugar is getting too low or high. 沙尔克告诉BuzzFeed,他患有1型糖尿病,阿尔法的工作是当他血糖过低或过高时提醒他。
"The amazing thing about Alpha is that he knows 20 to 40 minutes before my blood sugar actually does go low or high due to his amazing sense of smell," he said. 他说:“阿尔法的神奇之处在于,我的血糖变低或变高20到40分钟之前,他神奇的嗅觉就能察觉到。”
"He has saved my life multiple times already, by waking me up in the middle of the night to extremely low blood sugars, which are very dangerous," Schalk said. 沙尔克说:“他多次救了我的命,半夜我血糖极低时叫醒我,这是非常危险的。”
Schalk said he started bringing Alpha to school with him last year "to get him acclimated to the school environment so he would be prepared for this year." 沙尔克说,他去年开始带阿尔法去学校,“让他适应学校环境,这样今年就能带他来上学了。”
"He has become a huge part of my school, coming to my classes with me, and a lot of people know about him," Schalk said. So he spoke to the people in charge of the yearbook to see if Alpha could be included in the yearbook, and they were 100 percent supportive. “他已经成为我学校生活的一部分,和我一起上课,很多人都知道他,”沙尔克说。于是他询问负责制作毕业纪念册的人能否将阿尔法列入,他们百分百支持。
"All the teachers and students were 100 percent supportive," Schalk said. “所有的老师和学生都完全支持,”沙尔克说。
"I just brought him with me when I got my yearbook picture taken," Schalk said. "The only thing they changed was the camera height. They just had to lower it a little haha." 沙尔克说:“我带他一起去拍毕业纪念册照片。他们唯一改变的是相机的高度。他们只需要放低一点,哈哈。”
Alpha even got his own school ID. 阿尔法甚至有自己的学生证。
"He has been a great companion and added a lot of happiness to my school's environment," Schalk said, "It brightens people's days seeing him in the halls or in my class and I love being able to have that effect on people." 沙尔克说:“他是个超棒的伙伴,给学校带来了很多快乐。他给大家的生活增添了色彩,人们在大厅里看到他,或者在我的课堂上看到他,我很高兴他能对人们产生这样的影响。”
People absolutely love it. 人们非常喜欢它。
"Yes, Alpha is really an amazing animal," Schalk said. "He makes a disability, such as my diabetes, such a positive experience for me and my life overall, and really turns it into a blessing rather than a negative part of my life." “是的,阿尔法确实是神奇的动物,”沙尔克说:“他让一些障碍,如我的糖尿病,成为我和我的生活中的一种积极体验,真的把它变成了一种恩惠,而不是我生活中消极的一部分。”